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Lila medicina natural. Retiros en la selva amazónica y sanación con cristales


In our approach, we believe in the interconnectedness of a person's ills and diseases, which means that following our treatment can lead to total healing. Our treatments are non-invasive, without contraindications and guarantee success when the indications are followed with will and commitment. In addition, our consultations and diagnoses do without laboratory samples and injections. We prioritize a natural and respectful approach to the health of the individual.

Long distance healing

Each healing session is carried out by the doctor Ordoño Perez, who has extensive experience in the field.

Using the power of singing (Ikaro), we enter the energy field of the person, where each melody carries the healing energy of numerous medicinal plants.

During the treatment, the person can continue with his normal life, it being only necessary to follow the indications provided. In addition, we carry out all the necessary ceremonies to guarantee the complete healing of the individual.

Ayahuasca ceremonies

Within the traditional Amazonian medicine system, Ayahuasca acts as a catalyst that connects the physical world with the spiritual. The doctor uses this sacred plant to visualize the energy field of the person and determine the location of the discomfort or disease, which allows identifying the appropriate treatment.

It is important to note that it is not necessary for the patient to consume Ayahuasca to achieve healing. However, those who wish to do so can do so as long as they do not present contraindications and follow the instructions provided by the doctor.

Natural medicine

In our treatments, we use oils and tree resins, as well as plasters and preparations based on carefully selected medicinal plants.

Our remedies are made exclusively with 100% natural ingredients, without artificial additives.

Most of the inputs used come from the rich biodiversity of the Peruvian jungle, guaranteeing the authenticity and quality of our products.

Flowering baths

Immerse yourself in a transformative experience with our plant baths, which provide a deep energetic cleansing by adhering to our aura and eliminating any parasites or densities present.

Beyond energy purification, these baths offer notable benefits to the physical body, promoting muscle relaxation and relieving tension. On a mental level, they provide clarity and balance, while on an emotional level, they promote the release of blockages and inner harmony. Discover the healing power of our baths with plants to revitalize your being on all levels.

Healing Ceremonies in Lima

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The program includes:

* Drinking and diet a master plant.

* Energy cleaning baths with medicinal plants.

* Ayahuasca ceremony to open the diet.

* On-site attendance a ayahuasca ceremonies.

* Drink ayahuasca every 15 days.

* Drink ayahuasca to close the diet.

* Lodging in a tambo (personal house) in the healing center.

* Food based on diet.

* Advice on the diet process and life in the jungle, by Lila and the teacher Ordoño.

* Suggested diet time from one month onwards. 

Master Plant Diet

Under the wise guidance of Amazonian medical experts, you will immerse yourself in a powerful process of healing, purification and transformation. Medicinal plants will provide you with profound lessons, guiding you towards greater clarity and self-knowledge.

Going on a plant diet in the Peruvian jungle is an opportunity to experience a spiritual rebirth, heal on a physical, mental, emotional level and also learn to help others, if you wish.

The program includes:

* Treatment with medicinal plants for detoxification, rehabilitation and healing.
* Vomiting to perform a deep stomach cleaning.
* Energy cleaning baths with medicinal plants.
* Assistance to the ayahuasca ceremony for healing (the patient may take ayahuasca when the master considers that he is ready).
* Lodging in a tambo (personal house) in the healing center.
* Food based on the diet necessary to carry out the treatment.
* Advice on treatment and life in the jungle, as well as accompaniment and guidance in your healing process by Lila and the teacher Ordoño.

* Duration of treatment: between 1 and 3 months. 

Long distance healing

Each healing session is carried out by the doctor Ordoño Perez, who has extensive experience in the field.

Using the power of singing (Ikaro), we enter the energy field of the person, where each melody carries the healing energy of numerous medicinal plants.

During the treatment, the person can continue with his normal life, it being only necessary to follow the indications provided. In addition, we carry out all the necessary ceremonies to guarantee the complete healing of the individual.

Ayahuasca ceremonies

Within the traditional Amazonian medicine system, Ayahuasca acts as a catalyst that connects the physical world with the spiritual. The doctor uses this sacred plant to visualize the energy field of the person and determine the location of the discomfort or disease, which allows identifying the appropriate treatment.

It is important to note that it is not necessary for the patient to consume Ayahuasca to achieve healing. However, those who wish to do so can do so as long as they do not present contraindications and follow the instructions provided by the doctor.

Natural medicine

In our treatments, we use oils and tree resins, as well as plasters and preparations based on carefully selected medicinal plants.

Our remedies are made exclusively with 100% natural ingredients, without artificial additives.

Most of the inputs used come from the rich biodiversity of the Peruvian jungle, guaranteeing the authenticity and quality of our products.

Flowering baths

Immerse yourself in a transformative experience with our plant baths, which provide a deep energetic cleansing by adhering to our aura and eliminating any parasites or densities present.

Beyond energy purification, these baths offer notable benefits to the physical body, promoting muscle relaxation and relieving tension. On a mental level, they provide clarity and balance, while on an emotional level, they promote the release of blockages and inner harmony. Discover the healing power of our baths with plants to revitalize your being on all levels.

Addiction treatment

In the Soi Nete healing center, located in a beautiful and secluded place in the Peruvian jungle, you will find the calm and strength necessary to make that important and positive change in your life. This treatment will not only heal your physical, energetic, emotional and mental body, but it will also help you achieve a better version of yourself, raising your consciousness and evolving.

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