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Lila medicina natural. Retiros en la selva amazónica y sanación con cristales

Taking the sacred medicine and doing it in an environment as pure as the healing center in the heart of the Amazon, has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life.

It opened the door for me to understand the connection with my higher self, in an environment where I always felt protected and supported, both by Lila and by the other teachers. I promised myself to repeat this wonderful experience once a year and I am counting the days to return

Oscar Panzuto - Manizales, Colombia

"I cannot express all that this retreat has done for me. 

I'm happy. I am leaving Peru whole and complete, with my spirit filled with everything that belongs to it."

Lorena Orlandini - Virginia, USA

"3 years ago they detected a brain cyst. The operation was imminent due to the size and damage it was causing. Fortunately, God put a great specialist doctor on my way. The postoperative period was very hard, intense headaches and insomnia.      

 In December 2018 I had a very serious crisis, strong medications no longer decreased the pain, it was at that moment that I decided to try something different that would not harm my body anymore.

Going to the  retreat and drinking ayahuasca showed me that I had to commit to this healing process and I must say that it has been one of my best decisions.

Lila together with the teachers eased the pain that became my shadow for so long. They helped me blossom and I will be forever grateful."

Karla Farfán -  Lima, Peru

Distance treatment with Ordoño Peréz

"You don't believe it until you live it. You are thousands of kilometers away but you start to feel the changes clearly. In my case they manifested in dreams. The root of my physical and emotional problems appeared being healed in my dreams!

Then the symptoms I was complaining about were disappearing.

The sacrifice of not being able to eat seafood, alcohol or not have intercourse for a few days is nothing compared to the shocking result of this treatment with a really powerful Master. Sometimes we feel inside labyrinths, but there is always a way out, it is a matter of believing and also making our effort to be blessed." 

Milena Valcárcel - Lyon, France

Since I was 6 years old I experienced physical and psychological violence. Since I was 11 I suffered sexual abuse by a very close relative. I lived in fear for years, with a hole in my soul and a lonely search for love.

I was able to know love for myself and my story, thanks to the ayahuasca shots with Armando Cerrano and Lila, and the constellations with Óscar Laos, they accompanied me in different and beautiful ways. I accompanied this process with good friends and moments of silence to see my story in a different way, one that does not chain me to pain, but rather allows me to push myself to be myself without fear or hatred, and to raise my voice in the face of injustices against other people. , beings and mother nature".

Elizabeth - Lima, Peru

Wou, I'm still looking for words to express all the wonderful learning I could get from this experience.

Master Ordón with an incredible energy full of love and Lila pampering us.
Both with their songs. 

I felt supported the whole time. Thank you 
I know this beautiful place will continue to grow. Successes!!  

Caludia Bonifaz - Lima Peru

My experience in the jungle was very transformative. Just retiring in nature is already very healing. Nature is genuine, it does not lie, and being close to it also reminds us of our truth. That was the principle that made me launch myself and trust in the powerful “Ayahuasca”. I did not arrive without fear, I knew how powerful the said entheogen is, but the atmosphere was so welcoming that I knew that whatever happened I would be safe.

And so it was, there is no need for so much verbal explanation, the experience speaks for itself. Living with the teachers and their family was very sacred, because they really open the doors of their privacy, since they have nothing to hide, only teach. Living with the other participants (who I now have the luck and luxury to call friends) was also very magical and was perhaps the main factor that made this experience so enriching and rewarding, as a new system is formed, and new opportunities to become aware of the role we have in these and heal ties.

Ayahuasca spoke to me like a sweet, wise and firm grandmother. It made me aware of my limiting beliefs, how immense life is, that the one who knows the most knows the least, and it reminded me of the immense capacity I have to love. Ayahuasca began to speak to me before I took it and it continues to speak to me in my dreams.

Lila is a wonderful person, always willing to clarify my doubts and continue to be present until I felt it necessary after the retreat. I, at least, felt her as a great supportive mother, who enchanted us all with her melodies in the ceremonies, it was really like going back to the primary stages of development and connecting with those who perhaps remained pending.

Anyway, I'll be back when it's my time again.

Irina Marquina - Lima Peru

I had talked and connected with this powerful plant on other occasions, but having the opportunity to come into contact with it, in its own habitat, with people who have talked and lived with it for so long, was an experience that was much more valuable. . Because being in their territory I found more clarity. We were able to talk and see each other more closely. They were much deeper conversations that helped me to find my wounds, to know them, to understand their root and to be able to remove them. I am not saying that the wounds are gone, but all this experience has helped me so that at least they are not stuck there and cloudy. It has helped me to observe them from many angles to understand my path, my healing power, giving me tools so that these wounds do not weigh so much. Wounds that I am now looking at from the surface, finishing understanding them to be able to solar and overcome them. I am not going to say that Ayahusca is going to solve your life and solve your problems, but I can say that thanks to her I have known myself enough to know who I am, what I deserve, what I am worth, and this makes obstacles are solved with more clarity and certainty. With more compassion and love. Love for me, love for what I have had to live, love for the teachings that problems or mistakes have brought me, love for who I am today. Proud of my way of seeing life, of my way of relating to others. And that is not something that is learned and internalized just like that. Every day in each situation I continue and I will continue learning. But at least now I feel that my suitcase has many more tools. It's been 3 months since they left the jungle. And yet every day, she and I, we continue talking, I continue learning from this powerful plant that has taken me inside and that daily continues to show me wounds, but also shows me infinite beauty; the beauty of my being, of my soul. The beauty of everything. And every day reminds me of my power. Infinite thanks to infinity and to all my travel companions.

Camila Arboleda - Colombia

For 4 years I have been fighting against my addictions. I was depressed and I didn't know it. I couldn't get through the day without something external helping me cope and I hardly slept. I tried all the therapies and psychologists but nothing helped me. I had heard that ayahuasca helped to heal, but I feared and respected it. Finally, I found Lila and I felt that it was the sign that I needed. It is difficult to explain it in words, but the word that sums up my experience is: TRANSCENDENTAL. I entered the ceremony being one, and left being another. The plant gives you what you need, sometimes hard, but necessary. I have never felt so supported and connected. Today I am free of my addictions and I feel with an incomparable strength to follow my dreams, which before I felt were getting further and further away. I do not recommend doing Ayahuasca with anyone, there are many people who only want to take advantage of one. But the experience with Lila not only motivated me, but also guided me to trust that I can feel better. If there is something inside of you that is asking you to change, take this as a sign. Don't normalize feeling bad, because you don't know you have a symptom until you lose it... If I could, you can too. And what I ask of you the most is that you DO NOT BELIEVE ME and see for yourself The painting is by Pablo Amaringo. A representation of her visions with Ayahuasca, which brought tears to my eyes when I saw that I was not crazy, that someone had also seen the same thing as me.

Nicole Flores - Lima Peru

I decided to take ayahuasca in Dec. of 2021. I did it in a desperate act to break my relationship with depression, alcoholism and a series of bad decisions that led me to the psychiatrist in a treatment that seemed endless. I did not mind taking any risk to be able to heal since something I still wanted to live in me. And boy was it worth it. I am not exaggerating when I say that this beautiful plant saved my life, it gave me back my vision, my drive, and it showed me the path I should follow. But above all it gave me the starting point to rediscover myself. Since I returned from the retreat in the jungle, the medicines were no longer necessary. I discovered my capacity for self-healing and if we add to that the fact that I continued long-distance treatment from Master Ordoño, I can say that I came back to life, where we all belong.

Diana Espinoza -Lima, Peru

My experience in the jungle was very transformative. Just retiring in nature is already very healing. Nature is genuine, it does not lie, and being close to it also reminds us of our truth. That was the principle that made me launch myself and trust in the powerful “Ayahuasca”. I did not arrive without fear, I knew how powerful the said entheogen is, but the atmosphere was so welcoming that I knew that whatever happened I would be safe. . And so it was, there is no need for so much verbal explanation (I think I would say master Armando), the experience speaks for itself. Living with the teachers and their family was very sacred, because they really open the doors of their privacy, since they have nothing to hide, only teach. Living with the other participants was also very magical, since a new system is formed, and new opportunities to become aware of the role we have in these and heal ties. Ayahuasca spoke to me, like a sweet, wise and firm grandmother. It made me aware of my limiting beliefs, how immeasurable life is, that the one who knows the most knows the least, and it reminded me of the immense capacity I have to love. Ayahuasca began to speak to me before I took it and it continues to speak to me in my dreams. Lila is a wonderful being, always willing to clarify my doubts and continue to be present until when I felt it necessary after the retreat. I at least felt her as a great supportive mother, who enchanted us all with her melodies in the ceremonies, it was really like going back to the primary stages of development and connecting with those who perhaps remained pending. Anyway, I'll be back, when it's my time again. 

Fernanda Pena - Santiago de Chile

They tell their experience

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